Candee & DopeOnigiri

数々のアーティストとfeatしてきた人気の「Candee」と“Red Bull University 3Style 2015”日本チャンピオンとなったDJ OKI改め「DopeOnigiri」がANCHORに登場!


神奈川県川崎市出身。KOWICHIやMonyHorse、Fuji Taitoなど数々のアーティストとfeat.をしているラッパー。川崎のクルーOGFとしても活躍していた経歴をもつ。

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2012年に神戸でDJキャリアをスタートさせ、2015年にはRed Bull University 3Styleで日本チャンピオンに輝く。大学卒業後に活動の拠点を東京に移し、金曜日Club HARLEM “Born Free”のレギュラーDJを担当、またA-LIFE、WREP等、国内の主要クラブにも多数出演している。2017年からDJcity Japanに所属し、多くの海外DJと交流する中で、米国やドイツを始め様々な海外のナイトクラブから出演オファーを受けている。DJのみならず語学力も評価され、新進気鋭のラッパーMIYACHIのオフィシャルツアーDJにも指名された。

He started his DJ career in Kobe in 2012 and won the Japan Champion at Red Bull University 3Style in 2015. After graduating from university, he moved his base of activities to Tokyo and has performed at many major clubs in Japan, mainly at 1OAK Tokyo, Club Harlem, and A-life. He was a member of DJcity Japan and has received offers to perform at nightclubs in the U.S., Europe, China, and other countries through his interaction with many overseas DJs. In addition to DJing, he is also active as a producer, recording the hit song "ASOBI" with Playsson and Candee, which has received over 10 million views overall. Currently based in Malaysia, he works as a sound producer for AMATERAS, and in Japan, he has worked as a back-up DJ for the bilingual rapper MIYACHI, and as a back-up DJ for Candee.

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